Sunday, December 13, 2015

December Letters (late!!)

Dear Santa,
I have been really good this year.  I have been working hard.  I have been nice to my friends and even nice to strangers.  Also I am growing a baby this year, which is pretty important work.  I would love some awesome presents from you.  I promise to spread all sorts of Christmas cheer to those around me.  It's such a lovely time of year. 

Dear Snow,
You are feeling ever elusive with the temperatures we have had lately.  The 40s and 50s have been nice, but I feel like it is really your time to shine.  We all know that the Northern Hemisphere has some pretty big expectations about the magic of a White Christmas.  You have got to get it in gear, my friend!  Let's agree to meet and play soon, okay? 

Dear Hot Chocolate,
Oh you're my favorite.  Thanks for always being around to warm my soul.  You are a true friend that always has it in mind to teach me some much needed patience, so maybe someday I won't burn my tongue.  I love how we take our experience together so seriously - whipping cream is always needed with either a dash of cinnamon or some chocolate syrup to boost that fancy factor.  Just dreamy!

Dear Jesus,
You are the reason this time of year is filled with an abundance (if that's possible) of love, service, and all around good cheer.  We are celebrating you.  Your birth, your life, your teachings, your example.  There is so much for us to learn.  You are ever-willing to comfort and strengthen us.  Please help us to remember in time of doubt that you are our Savior!  Thank you for being patient with us.  Thank you for rooting for us. 

Dear Baby,
Your sex is currently unknown. I was set on not finding out until you arrive and recently I find myself wavering and wanting to know right now.  How am I supposed to wait 6 months!?  So your father might end up winning this won.  We will have to see, either way will be pure magic anyway, so nobody really loses.  Keep up the good work in there.  You are growing like a champ!

Dear Work,
It has been intense lately working three different jobs.  As of this week I get to enjoy a long break from the College and I am pretty thrilled about that.  Three days a week instead of 5 sounds downright perfect.  I will probably spend the first handful of off-days watching movies in my pajamas as I knit.  Don't worry, I will get productive eventually I presume.

Dear Frantic Shoppers,
I did most of my shopping online this year as I sat on the couch.  It was quite lovely and relaxing.  Don't worry though, I will save one or two things for the days just before Christmas.  That way I can do some great people watching, take in the last of the season's Christmas music, and pass smiles all around.  Deep breaths, repeat to yourselves, "Christmas will be wonderful!"  And then it will be!

Xoxo, Katie

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