Thursday, June 2, 2016


Last Friday was the last day of Early Morning Seminary

We were all more than excited to be able to sleep in again.  I couldn't wait to delete my 5:40 alarm clock on my phone.  We celebrated the last day by making incredible crepes (that were gluten free even) and we covered them in nutella, strawberries, bananas, powdered sugar, and whipped cream.  It was a lovely ending to a such a great year with my students.  They also gave me the sweetest card and flowers - they really are the best. 

This week I am finding the shift to no early morning seminary more of a mix of emotions than I initially thought.  I was sure the sleeping in would trump it all, and maybe it has, because the sleeping in has been really lovely.  What I miss the most is: seeing them every day.  It was so fun to be involved with their lives, listen to their testimonies, and see them flirt with each other.  I loved hearing about their upcoming games or concerts and then surprise them when Jeremy and I showed up to support them. I have loved studying the scriptures with them, even when it has been the Old Testament which can be tough.  I loved really getting to know them - which definitely happens when you only have four students.  It has been great. 

They are incredibly unique and talented and spiritually strong human beings.  They have great things ahead and I am so grateful I could be a very small part of their journey.  I will always cherish this year, even with it being some mixture of challenging, rewarding, exhausting, testimony-building, and of course... lots of fun. 

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