Wednesday, February 17, 2010

for lent

i am giving up chocolate for 40 days.

and i really think i can do it, i'm going to do it.

i contemplated giving up ALL sweets for lent and then i remembered that attempt in 2008. it was horrible and i only made it 4 days. wow... what an accomplishment. not.

so this time i am only giving up chocolate. this way i will still be able to have ice cream, starbursts, gummy bears, sugar cookies, etc. i should be able to survive and it will at least keep me aware of what food i am shoving into my mouth.

this just might be good.

what are you giving up for lent?

jeremy's response: "i'm not catholic."

well, neither am i, but why not?

lent is designed to remind us of Christ fasting for 40 days and it is also meant to be a preparation period for the celebration of easter and Christ's Resurrection. alright, sounds good to me.

all of those that want to join me, as far as i understand it, lent starts today and ends on easter. you know i will be enjoying a chocolate bunny on easter. so figure out what you are going to give up... soon!


Kersey said...

I'm in! That's a splendid idea. Let's see, I believe chocolate and creating are my two addictions...and seeing as one is my source of income, I think we will have to go with chocolate.

KinseyBug said...

You are so awesome...Good Luck! I would give up other sweets before chocolate:)