Wednesday, August 29, 2012

dash dot dash

jeremy and i each got our semester charlie cards today
and i thought using morse code would be fun to tell them apart.
the top one has a k on it, the bottom one has a j on it.

morse code is the coolest. i totally want to learn the whole alphabet.
i already have my name memorized. see?

_ . _ . _ _ . . .


what could i do with morse code? besides get some awesome jewelry.
anyone want to start communicating with dots and dashes?

1 comment:

April said...

cool!! So, guess what? we're coming to Boston this weekend! will you be around? it's labor day, so maybe you are going to go away, but if you are around, I want to see you!! text me or fb me or email me. 801-368-6301 or oh yeah, are there still any spots left for ragnar? I never got back to you and I'm still thinking it's a go-ahead if there is space. :) anyways, hope I see you this weekend! if not, I'll have to try Boston again!