Monday, April 15, 2013

marathon monday

for me, it all started with a curious text from my dad, "are you safe?"

of course i am, i thought to myself.  (luckily, i had to go to my internship today, something that i thought was rather unlucky as i took the subway in this morning.) that's when i found out.  my stomach dropped. my heart instantly ached. explosions at the marathon. explosions in boston. explosions where i stood last year to cheer on the amazing athletes from all over the world. explosions in the place i call home.  explosions in the city i have come to love.

more texts and calls started to roll in from loved ones wondering if i was ok (jeremy was safe and sound in baltimore). as i left my internship i realized that i was scared.  would another bomb go off?  would they target the subway system?  could i make it home?  would i make it home?  i was on the phone with my mom and jeremy trying to figure out the best route home (i was way south of boston and needed to get north of boston).  the subway was really my only option, but i was not really loving that idea.  a taxi would probably get stuck in traffic and would also be a fortune.  some stations had closed down when i got into the city and i was forced to hit the surface streets on foot to make up for the gap in service. what normally would have been a lovely and enjoyable walk became hectic and nerve-wracking.  i wanted out of the city.  i wanted out now.  i passed by a hub of homeland security officers with their beefed up cars and immediately became more scared.  was this some important building?  am i walking by a potential target?  i couldn't make it to my destination and avoid the tourist attractions, every few blocks there is something famous in this lovely city.  i walked quickly with others also rushing around.  as i got back on the subway and rode further and further from the heart of the city the frantic feelings began to dim, but the devastation, the pain, the sadness did not.  it still persists.  the pictures and videos are too much for me.  they bring tears that i'm not sure i am ready for.  i had friends there, i had family there.  that could have been me, easily.  pray for the people that are in pain.  pray for the loved ones of those that have passed on.  pray for the people that witnessed this horror, especially the children.  pray for the first responders, helpers, and other experts still working to save lives.  pray for the people that are scared.  pray that we can sleep tonight.  pray for the people that are trying to keep us safe.  pray for boston, this beautiful place i call home.


Kayde said...

beautiful post it brought tears to my eyes. So glad you are safe!

Melissa said...

I'm glad you are safe. Horrible.

Natalie said...

Beautifully said Katie.