i am now 80 hours into my job...
and i LOVE it.
i can't believe i get paid to do what i do. it's fantastic! i look forward to going to work everyday. i feel like i am just going to hangout with some friends while we take care of people that need us by doing therapy. it's great. want to know a big bonus of my job? i work in the afternoons! i work from 12-8 monday through thursday and 8-4 on fridays. so i get to sleep-in almost every day (i only wake up to an alarm ONE day a week!!). it's fun! jeremy on the other hand doesn't love that i am dead asleep when he leaves for school. in the mornings he usually nudges me awake, we say a prayer together - kind of... he says it while i lie there ever so reverently, then he kisses me, and i mumble "have a good day. i love you," as he walks out of the door. my schedule is also forcing us to think about dinners in advance so i can pack a somewhat coherent dinner for work (since i eat with my patients and i am supposed to model normalized eating - balanced meals & proper portioning). we have been cooking big meals on sundays and utilizing the lovely crockpot on mondays. it works well because we have TONS of left-overs to last the week. and we love left-overs! it has been an adjustment, but after two weeks, i am really loving this schedule and everything about my sweet job! i am so blessed.
I'm glad that you found something that you love to do. And I totally can relate to being dead to the world when my husband leaves in the morning haha. Our poor husbands. At least it is warm outside now and they don't have to leave a warm bed for a cold house. Have a good week!
that's so wonderful that you love your job so much! and i feel jeremy's pain, because i'm always the one to leave the sleeping spouse. not fun, haha!
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