Saturday, September 26, 2015

VT Biker Gang

Today we started a pretty legit Biker Gang and forever claimed the hashtag: vtbikergang. The Biker Gang currently consists of some of our wonderful friends: Tiffany and Paul, Laura, and Jeremy and me. We have 5 members and counting!!  I am totally dying to get some fake tats to celebrate the forming of the crew.

We got together this morning to ride some great trails in the Equinox Preserve and the weather was just perfect for mountain biking.  We rode 1/2 the Pond Loop, jumped on to Trillium, did the SVAC loop, and then Flatlanders back to the pond.  Our legs were burning and we were learning how to master the trails from the experts - Tiffany and Paul.  We get better every time.  I even feel comfortable moving from "novice" to "beginner."  That's pretty big stuff right there.

Jeremy - Laura - Tiffany - Paul

It was a beautiful morning!

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