Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SF Part 6


we didn't have much planned for the day, so we wandered around the city. not much
different then what we did on the other days either. we went shopping and bought souvenirs and had treats from vendors for lunch. wow... our parents would
really be proud of our healthy eating habits for this vacation. haha.

(trish's donuts and a pretzel)

after that we watched the sea lions and then continued to wander...

and some how ended up at ghirardelli square!

(and i have finally mastered how to spell ghirardelli after all these posts)

banana splits were our favorite for this trip it seems.

then we took the trolley over the hills back to our hotel
and we did more shopping at union square


our last day... we wandered around the city (surprise!) and ended up at fisherman's
wharf (surprise again!). i love fisherman's wharf- except for the stinky fish smell. barf!

here we are at pier 39:

we have really mastered the "hold-the-camera-out-and-take-the-picture-ourselves" pic

the magic show and carousel

we found the crepe cafe and HAD to have a banana and nutella crepe. jeremy was
skeptical at first, but became an immediate fan after trying it. mom- remember
the crepes in Paris! we totally had them for dinner one day. so maybe you really would be proud
of our eating habits for this vacation.

then we had to head back to the hotel, gather our stuff, and make our
way to the airport (via the subway) to catch our afternoon flight home.

it was sad to leave such a fun place,
but real life is fun too


Amy said...

I've got a GREAT crepe recipe if you want it...

Kyle and Shallan said...

Ah I'm so jealous of Trish's donuts-- they looks SO good!!! :) Glad you guys had fun!