Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let's give thanks, Week 4

Week 3
Week 2
Week 1

I am grateful for traditions.  They bring me so much joy and they are incredibly grounding.  I'm grateful that traditions connect me to my family even when I am not with them.  I'm grateful for traditions that make me laugh.  I'm grateful that I can pass traditions on to connect past and future generations. I'm grateful that traditions help me remember all of the fun I've had over the years.

I am grateful for our car.  It's not fancy and it's not new.  It joined us within a few weeks of getting married and has been a champ.  I'm grateful that our car gets me to and from work safely each day.  I'm grateful that the heater works.  I'm grateful that it gets pretty good gas mileage.  I'm grateful that our car has been pretty reliable.  I'm grateful that we have had the means to fix it when it needed some extra love so it can keep chugging along.

I am grateful for uplifting music.  Music is something I have loved from a very young age.  I started singing solos in church when I was only 6.  I'm grateful that music can deeply touch the soul. I'm grateful that music can portray hard to describe emotions.  I'm grateful that music can be experienced and appreciated across language barriers.  I'm grateful that uplifting music allows me to connect with and praise God.

Maybe I will keep this weekly gratitude going.  It's certainly something I could do more than once a year. 

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